Preparing Your Commercial Roof for a Hurricane

Let’s face it. Living in the Texas Gulf Coast Region brings the risks of Hurricanes each year. Between June and November, we all hope for the best, but are you prepared for the worst? Your roof is most susceptible to hurricane damage and should take special considerations. Preparedness is critical. Being prepared in advance of a hurricane or storm can save you costly repairs and expenses later. If you need a new roof or your commercial roof is in need of repairs, the professionals at Walton Roofing can help.

Before the Storm:

Schedule Regular Inspections and Storm Inspections – The professionals at Walton Roofing can detect defects, wear and tear, especially around seams, joints and flashings and can remove any loose debris that can be flown away by high winds. Our technicians can also inspect your skylights and secure rooftop hatches. Rooftop equipment such as AC units creates holes in the roof and should be inspected for cracked sealing and leaks. Intense winds can be severely destructive to your commercial roof. Heavy rains can weaken or compromise your roof, causing structural weakening and leaks.

Trim the Trees!

If you have any low hanging branches or weakened tress, these can damage your roof in high winds. If the branches are heavy enough, they can impale the roof and affect the roof’s integrity.

Clean the Gutters and Drainage System

With the incredible amounts of rain that hurricanes produce, your drainage system should be clear so that water won’t back up and leak into your building causing severe damage. Be sure that gutters and drainpipes are properly anchored.

Review Your Insurance Policy

Contact Your Provider and determine if you’re covered against hurricanes and floods and that your policy is up-to-date.

After the Storm:

Check your roof for damage.

If you notice that there are falling ceilings or severe damage, please keep away from the danger and call Walton Roofing. Leaks should be repaired as soon as possible as mold and mildew can develop if not attended too quickly.

Call Your Insurance Company

If you notice your roof is damaged, call your insurance company right away. You will want to get in line quickly and get the claims process going as soon as possible. Take photos of the damaged areas as those will be helpful when filing a claim.

Call the Professionals at Walton Roofing

Even the best prepared roof can sustain damage after a hurricane. Commercial roofing companies will be very busy after a storm. Beware of out of towners, scammers, storm chasers and Chuck in a Truck.

Walton Roofing has been serving the Texas Gulf Coast since 1961. Our name is on every job and we are proud of the work we do and our outstanding customer service. Call today for a pre or post storm assessment of your roof.

713-674-9777 or visit us at and request an appointment.